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What is schizophrenia?

A small tour in the world of schizophrenia...

It is a psychiatric illness with variable symptoms. It alters cognitive functions. It can go as far as delusions and hallucinations. This disorder is severe.

The causes and factors of schizophrenia are not yet understood. Other factors must come into play for a predisposition to this disease. It is assumed that the immune system as well as infections play a role.

Schizophrenics are especially dangerous for themselves. Those who are dangerous to society are relatively few.

Schizophrenia can be treated with medication and psychosocial support.

Symptoms include a variety of symptoms. In addition to those mentioned above, there are thought and language disorders, agitation, psychomotor disorders, demotivation, apathy and social withdrawal, but also depersonalization.

Manifestations of schizophrenia vary enormously depending on the person affected. To be sure that a person is schizophrenic, the symptoms must be almost permanent.

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